Upper Green River - May 2012 - Green River Lakes to Warren Bridge - Part 3 of 4

Confidence established, from there on it was a really fun ride for a couple of miles, small but frisky rapids ideal for a SOAR or IK. I doubt that a raft would make it through without hanging up a lot unless the flow was up somewhat. For us, the Warren Bridge gauge that day said 835 cfs, which means we were running on less than half that. I would venture that the Warren Bridge gauge would need to be at least 1200 or better to float a raft or cat through above Warren Bridge.

I had a smile on my face the entire time from there to our first camp on the river. Sublimely peaceful flat sections were broken by rapids that were busy but easy, the scenery was lovely, and we were off on a great adventure. It remained a lovely Class II+ all the way to where we had stowed our camp gear and shuttle vehicle at Whisky Grove campground. This was a very pretty FS campground and we were the only people in it, with a nice site right on the river bank. In fact, throughout the trip I marveled at how beautiful the area was, and how little used. In the entire float from the Lakes to Green River town we passed one boat, a guided fly fishing drift boat on the second day. Most of the campgrounds were empty.

The daily moose. Many days were hazy due to the smoke from fires burning around the west.

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