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Fossil Creek - September 2010 - Part II
Further down, I went over at the base of a slide and rolled up on my second try. It did not seem like I held the blade at the right angle the first time, but I was also still in the backwash, which could have been a factor in my missing the first roll attempt. This was my ninth successful combat roll in a row this year, and the first one that I did not get on the first try. Further down, we ran a chute and rock garden with a sticky hole at the base of the chute where Ted and Maya had each been held and worked on tubes in previous years. I went over in the hole and stopped upside down close to a rock. I tried to push off of the rock but was not able to move the kayak so I pulled the skirt. When I exited, the water pushed me forward and my foot got stuck in the kayak, but I was able to get to the surface and pulled my foot out of the boat. I body surfed the hole for a while before it kicked me out, but my head was up the whole time so it was not a particularly bad experience. Jorge and I were able to recover my boat and paddle. This was my first wet exit of the year from a hardshell kayak except when trying hands rolls in the pool. I knew my streak would not last forever. We stopped for lunch there where I swam. Further down, I went over a drop too far to the right and vertically pinned into the rock face on the other side of the slot. I was stuck fast with the water up to the middle of my back, but it was not strong enough to bend me over. I considered my options and eventually pulled the skirt and climbed out while the kayak quickly filled with water. The kayak was immediately completely submerged. Besides being held in place by the force of the water, It was heavy and was hard to move, but Jorge helped me get it free. Other times I pitonned into rocks but bounced off and kept going. A shorter kayak with more buoyant ends and a lot of rocker would be better. It was a good idea to take the heavy paddle because it got a lot of abuse.