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San Francisco River - Glenwood NM to Clifton AZ- April, 2010 - Part III
Some more miles down the river we reached the confluence of the Blue River, almost doubling the flow. The river widens out even more at this point and we continued our float into Clifton. About 8 miles from town a road comes into view on river left. We made it to town and were off the river at 6:30 pm with 30 minutes of light to spare. Over all this was a very neat run with spectacular wilderness scenery. The river moves to along very quickly which makes it hard to take in everything you are seeing. We did 40 miles in one day which I thought would be impossible. There are plenty of class II wave trains and every few minutes you are taking a wall shot that is reminiscent of baptism rapid on the salt. The tree strainers are what make this river most challenging and hazardous. We had a lot of fun and will be running The San Frisco again when we have a chance, hopefully taking a little more time where we can enjoy it better. The camping was great and your chances of seeing another human being and next to none. This is a very enjoyable river to run but is littered with a lot of hazards and is incredibly remote and rugged if you do get into trouble.
*** Followup comment added to Monsoonwarriers Yahoo Group on April 20, 2010 by Jordon ***
I think we had the perfect flow at 750, I would say 400 would be the lowest you would want to go. I wouldn't go much higher than 900 or so due to the strainers , there was probably 5 places that had river wide trees that we went under just by the hairs on our chinny chin chins.