Verde River from Sycamore Creek to Lower Tapco River Access

There is a lot of potential for strainers and we had to duck and push through small branches several times but did not encounter anything dangerous or that caused us any problems. A tree, however, could fall down any day and change all that. There were some blind corners and one time a spider crawled between my eye and my glasses lens just as I entered a blind corner in a rapid and I had to decide to wait until slower water to remove the spider. By then, it was gone. There were some fairly long rapids that mainly involved dodging boulders, looking for enough water, bouncing off rocks, and high siding against rocks to keep from flipping.

We hit rocks a lot and got stopped from time to time but I only had to step out of my Jefe once and Michelle did not have to get out of the Hero at all. We were all in hardshells except Walt, who took an IK and his dog. Walt was a little slower than the rest of and probably got stuck more but did not hold us up very much at all and it is always good to have an IK along in case someone gets hurt or loses their boat. Helen flipped her Fun Runner once and said the skirt came off, so she got out in shallow water and Mike helped her drain her boat. I am not sure she even got her head wet, but she said she was glad that she put on her drytop. That was the only carnage.

There is a lot of potential for strainers and we had to duck and push through small branches several times but did not encounter anything dangerous or that caused us any problems. A tree, however, could fall down any day and change all that. There were some blind corners and one time a spider crawled between my eye and my glasses lens just as I entered a blind corner in a rapid and I had to decide to wait until slower water to remove the spider. By then, it was gone. There were some fairly long rapids that mainly involved dodging boulders, looking for enough water, bouncing off rocks, and high siding against rocks to keep from flipping.

There were lots of easy rapids and it was never boring although there were a few long pools that we had to paddle across. Even in the long pools, I would often hit a rock and lose my momentum. I saw an otter or beaver, three deer (at least one was a white tail, I believe), and at least one great blue heron. Walt said it was about 4 hours from when we put in (at about 11 am) to when we reached the takeout. In that time, we had taken two stand-up breaks, and were not trying to go fast, but we paddled most of the time.

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